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Our Best Selling Product
200-hole Seedling Tray
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Seedling Trays

It all starts with a SEEDling. Get ahead of the curve by Germinating your seeds in seedling trays.


Made of polystyrene, iGerminate Seeding trays will last longer, and Germinate more SEEDlings for you.


At only R48 for a tray of 200 holes, that translates to 24c per seedling.

Standard Size

Rest assured, your vegetable seedlings will fit in these trays comfortably. Dimensions: 68cm x 34.5cm x 6cm, 24g/l density


iGerminate Seedling trays will not take any more space than is necessary for your seedlings to flourish.

Transplant friendly

The cone shape of the holes makes it a breeze to pull out seedlings (after hardening of course).

Test of Time

Our seedling trays have stood the test of time. Being lightweight, iGerminate trays are easy to handle, earning them popularity among farmers.


When taken good care of, our trays can be re-used over and over again. Rule of thumb, always hold a tray with both hands!

Perfect drainage

Avoid rust by using our well-drained trays.


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About iGerminate

Helping farmers GROW. We strive to assist farmers do what they do best, farm! We supply agricultural products to help farmers set-up as well as GROW.

iGerminate is a family run business that operates from home in order to efficiently and cost effectively supply seedling trays to farmers. As such, we are available 24/7, just give us a call before you set out.


Phone: 083 468 7436

Cell/Whatsapp: 083 468 7436

Email: sales@igerminate.co.za

1112 Minitum Street, Wilgeheuwel, Roodepoort, 1724